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Centre for Self Development Blog

Welcome to the Centre for Self Development Blog - we welcome your comments.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

This is our second posting

Our second blog is coming very soon.
Here are some images taken in the grounds around Great Barn in April.

Monday 20 April 2009

Hi and welcome to the Centre For Self Development’s blog.

We have just held our second Relationship Workshop of 2009. The weather has been kind to us so far this year with warm sun and blue skies heralding the joys of spring and summer. One of the delights of our rural location is the chance to take time out and to be away from life’s everyday pressures and just be.

In the ten acres of grounds, hares and deer are very active at this time of year. We can also see the wild flowers beginning to emerge with cowslips, daffodils and primroses being amongst the first to add some colour after the winter. The view from the Garden Room onto the flower beds and plants outside forms a beautiful backdrop to our weekends.

Our half dozen workshop participants came by land, air (and one by sea) from quite some distance away to enjoy the peace and tranquility of Suffolk. The dynamic of each group is unique and special. A valuable synergy is formed as each group member, joining as strangers, begins to share and explore their experiences, recognising in each other a common thread of self discovery and a strong desire to understand where they are and where they want to be.

This week Doug is holding the follow-up coaching sessions for those who attended our last workshop. The feedback on this has been excellent as it gives each one of the group the opportunity to review the workshop and consolidate what they have gained from the weekend.

Judging from the feedback we have received from our participants the workshops have been of real value and we look forward to more similarly rewarding weekends for all concerned.

The next workshop Sally is facilitating will be held June 25th / 26th - Understanding Your Self in Relationships.